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Trigger Point Injection Therapy

photo showing the legs of a group of runnersWhat is a trigger Point?

Trigger points are tight knots of muscle fibers that form due to injury or strain. When a trigger point forms, it can spread to other parts of the body causing more pain and dysfunction.

A trigger point injection can help soothe myofascial pain, especially in your neck, shoulder, arms, legs and lower back.

The treatment Involves injecting a small amount of procaine (numbing agent) combined with Traumeel (homeopathic anti inflammatory) into the trigger point providing immediate relief which can make movement easier and allow the patient to exercise to strengthen and heal the muscle.

Homeopathics are a safe alternative to cortisone. Cortisone shots can cause further damage and are hard on the liver. 

Cost: TPI is not covered by insurance in most cases. The cost is $125-175 depending on how many areas are treated and time needed. 

Here is a link to with more information:
