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About Us

Denise Voll,  L.Ac. EAMP

Denise graduated from The Northwest Institute of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine in 2001.   She has over 20 years’ experience in treating/managing pain.  Post graduate studies include  women’s health, yoga and cranial sacral therapy.   She has a Bachelor Of Science Degree in Kinesiology/ Sports Medicine from the Pennsylvania State University.

My personal journey with acupuncture began because I had suffered from allergies and headaches since I was a child. I was told I would “outgrow” these symptoms, but did not as an adult.  After receiving acupuncture and taking herbs for a few months I was symptom free.

This experience opened my eyes to the many benefits of the medicine.  I now combine my knowledge in Western medicine with Eastern philosophy to treat all stages of life.  I recognize everyone has a unique “story” and I will listen to help you unravel your areas of imbalance and provide the best care for your situation.

I’m also concerned about the growing number of illness in children and medications given to them at such a young age.   That is why I am passionate about family practice and working with pediatrics and helping to educate parents on healthy alternatives.   I incorporate Traditional Chinese Medicine, cranial sacral therapy, Japanese Acupuncture, breath work, sound therapy, and gentle non-insertion needle techniques for children to provide the best results.

I look forward to helping you maintain your biggest asset, your health.


Kris ShawKris Shaw

Kris Shaw is our newest addition to the clinic, bringing her 40 years of clinical experience to her massage, nutrition and acupuncture practice.  She works at the Burien Acupuncture Clinic on Fridays. Her professional life is deeply committed to supporting thousands who experience persistent discomfort with a wide spectrum of injuries and food allergies.

Her therapy skill set offers 25 styles of massage, with Oriental bodywork being her favored modality for opening the body/mind. Acupressure, Thai, Jin Shin, Pregnancy & Medical massage & deep tissue are blended & customized to the needs of each client.

Many of the larger, established insurance companies Kris is a provider for includes  Regence, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Premera, Aetna&  Worksmen’s Comp.  You can easily verify the benefits of your insurance plan by contacting the Puget Sound Medical Billers & Debra Devine at 206- 434-6317.

One of Kris’s most popular acupressure treatments is very effective for computer decompression. The Rapid Release technology is often used with her sessions to soften hardened body armor & bring blood to weakened injured areas.  Her expertise is in unraveling the root causes of persistent injuries, including whiplash, sciatica, shoulder, neck, back and hip discomforts & an assortment of migraines. Sleep & anxiety challenges are successful with her treatment protocols.

Kris’s degree is in Nutrition & integrates that into the energetic medicine system of NAET, using American acupuncture, muscle testing & nutritional counseling.  She assists adults  & children to desensitize  to seasonal allergies & food intolerances.

For an appointment, please TEXT OR CALL Kris  Shaw at her clinic at 206-370-2600.

For more info on Kris’s specialty work, reviews & advanced technology used, check out both of her web sites.  to learn more about her Injury Care Massage Practice.  for her Allergy Desensitizing NAET Practice & the Rapid Release Technology.
